Time is an invaluable resource that, once lost, can never be regained. Whether you’re a farm manager trying to complete all your tasks in a day, or a busy mom juggling kids, cows and an off-farm job, mastering time management can significantly enhance your productivity, reduce stress and improve your overall quality of life.

Sattazahn raechel
Dairy Producer / Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania

For most of us, time management is a work in progress, and new challenges can arise as we enter different stages of life. Our habits can either help or hinder our success. While I still consider myself a student with much to learn on this topic, here are some time management tips that have helped me take control of my time and make the most of every minute.

Prioritize tasks

One of the most effective ways to manage time is to prioritize tasks. Not all tasks are created equal; they vary in levels of importance and urgency.

Be cautious of time wasters in your day. These are tasks that bring little or no value to you or your farm business. Sometimes we continue with them because they are what we’ve “always done” or because we lack focus and find other ways to fill our time.

Instead, focus on the important tasks that help you achieve your goals and set you up for success. These tasks can be urgent, such as fixing broken equipment or caring for a sick animal. Other times, they may be less urgent but still equally important, such as keeping up with bookwork or planning for the next season’s crops. Prioritizing these important tasks will ensure that you are making the most of your time and energy.


Use tools to stay organized

Maintaining a daily schedule can be immensely helpful for you, your family, your farm employees and others. Today, countless calendar and scheduling apps make creating and sharing your schedule easy. Find one that works for you and those who need access to it. For instance, we’ve recently started using a Skylight calendar, a great digital option that provides a visual schedule for our family.

In addition to calendar apps, free to-do lists and project management apps such as Trello, Monday and Slack can be incredibly useful. Even a good old-fashioned paper and pencil list works. The key is to select a system that works best for you and stick with it. Consistency is crucial for holding yourself accountable for what needs to be accomplished. Integrate the tools that work best for you into your daily routine, ensuring they become an integral part of your time management strategy.

Stop procrastinating and ‘eat the frog’

Mark Twain once said, “If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.”

The time management concept of “eating the frog” means tackling big projects first. Don’t procrastinate – doing the difficult task first allows you to focus on other tasks. Breaking down a larger project into smaller subprojects can also make progress more manageable. Procrastination often leads to filling your day with every other task except the task at hand.

Ask for help

You don’t have to do everything yourself. Asking for help or delegating tasks can free up your time for more important activities. Identify tasks that someone else can handle and trust them to do the job. You might be surprised how others appreciate the added responsibility.

Similarly, consider outsourcing tasks that are outside your expertise or consume too much time. From hiring an outside bookkeeper to having someone clean your house, taking items off of your plate can allow you to focus on other priorities.

Learn to say no

One of the biggest challenges in time management is the inability to say no. Taking on too many commitments can overwhelm you and dilute your focus. Set boundaries and be selective about the extras you take on. Politely declining requests that don’t align with your priorities allows you to dedicate your time to what is most important.

Stop trying for perfection

Trying for perfection often leads to an ineffective use of time. Determine what is “good enough” to achieve your goals and let go of perfection. In most cases, you are probably the only one who knows the difference between good enough and perfection.

Minimize distractions

Distractions are the nemesis of productivity. Identify your main sources of distraction – whether it’s social media, email notifications or noisy environments – and take steps to minimize them. This might involve turning off notifications, setting specific times for checking emails or creating a quiet workspace. Limiting social media use to 30 minutes a day is one strategy I’ve incorporated that has helped me focus on what truly matters.

Take care of yourself

Effective time management is closely linked to self-care. Ensure that you're getting enough sleep, eating well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being enhances your energy levels, concentration and overall productivity. Don’t forget to schedule downtime and engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you.

Embrace the journey

Mastering time management is an ongoing journey, not a final destination. By identifying the tools and strategies that work best for your unique circumstances, you can steadily improve your productivity and overall quality of life. Embrace the journey with flexibility and patience, and you'll discover that effective time management not only enhances your efficiency but also enables you to fully enjoy each moment.