Mike North President Commodity Risk Management Group Platteville, Wisconsin

What education are you bringing with you?
Formally, I received my Bachelor of Science degree in agribusiness from the University of Wisconsin – Platteville. However, the best education in the business of managing commodity prices has come through good, old-fashioned experience.

I have spent nearly 20 years working with producers to help them both identify and understand their market exposure. More importantly, I have worked with those producers to act on that understanding by implementing a plan for managing those risks. Those years of experience have been a better teacher than any classroom.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I was raised on a dairy farm in southeast Wisconsin. While I had dreams of coming back to the farm, the reality of that opportunity did not exist. I pursued a degree in agriculture so that I could continue to follow my passion for farming. If you can't be actively engaged in farming, the next best thing is to work with people who are.

What territory will Commodity Risk Management Group cover?
Commodity Risk Management Group (CRMG) operates in the same capacity that I have in my time in the industry. We do not adhere to regional territories, but rather are led by the relationships that we develop throughout the continental U.S.


What are your new responsibilities as president?
As anyone who has started a business knows, there is not a lot of flash in the title. I give guidance to company operations, its staff and its service offerings. However, my main responsibility is still to the client. My passion for working with agricultural producer and processor clients is still the force that drives me. For me, there is no better feeling than to see a farm operation maximizing the opportunities in front of them while taking action against the market pitfalls that potentially await them.

What previous positions have you held?
I was previously the senior risk management advisor with another commodity marketing firm.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
There is no single person to whom I can attribute having the biggest impact. However, throughout the years, I have had several mentors in both business and life who have helped me grow in my knowledge of our business, the markets and the things in life that are most important. A career encompasses more than your work. I have been fortunate to have many people come alongside me to lead me in my understanding of that.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
There are a lot of programs, systems and structures available to people. CRMG offers a variety of services to that end. However, I believe that the greatest void in our industry is in the area of education. While producers may have access to a lot of different programs and instruments of managing risk, most of them are misunderstood.

Regardless of the size of their dairy, many producers stumble in the area of understanding markets and how to manage them in a way that’s beneficial to their operation. Unfortunately, much of that lack of knowledge becomes a barrier for producers. We work with individuals to help them grow in their knowledge and familiarity with the markets and then lead them forward with a plan of action.

Why did you choose to start this company?
The first company that I worked for was a privately held operation with a very focused and dedicated staff. It was known for quick responsiveness to evolving market conditions, the needs of the client and the resources required to service those needs. Starting CRMG allows me to once again move at the speed of the market in the services we extend to our customer.

What goals would you like to accomplish?
CRMG makes people our priority, while the market remains our focus. With that as my mission, I have only one goal: to grow producers in their knowledge of managing market risk into a commanding use of the tools available to address that risk. While the market may change, our goal remains constant. PD