Wulf Cattle and Select Sires have teamed up to bring dairy customer-owners Breeding to Feeding, which connects beef supply and demand. Through the use of controlled crossbreeding, Wulf Cattle provides a guaranteed market and buy-back program for Wulf Limousin-sired calves.

By developing a breeding plan, dairies can use Limousin semen from homozygous black and homozygous polled sires on a section of their herd to effectively manage herd size and growth. Wulf Cattle purchases very young calves back from dairies at a predetermined, and often premium, price.

Breeding to Feeding was honored with a Dairy Herd Management Innovation Award at the 2013 World Dairy Expo.

Limousin cattle are known for their calving ease, red meat yield and feedlot efficiency, making them a logical choice for a crossbreeding system. All Limousin and Lim-Flex (Limousin x Angus) sires that enter this program have been handpicked and are genetically designed to enhance dairy carcass value.

Semen from these sires will be produced in Select Sires' facilities and processed using the highest standards for quality and the most innovative technology available. For calving ease reasons, it is recommended to use Lim-Flex sires on Holstein animals and Limousin sires on Jersey cattle. PD


—From Select Sires news release