Dr. Ken Griswold, Senior Technical Service Manager - Dairy Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania Kemin Industries
What are your new responsibilities?
I’m responsible for leading the ruminant technical service team for Kemin Animal Nutrition & Health North America. In this role, I will provide oversight and direction for animal trials, technical service support for key account managers and technical writing. This position is provides technical guidance for our customers in Canada, United States and Mexico.
Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up on a 100-cow Holstein dairy in upstate New York and have been involved agriculture throughout my career.
What education are you bringing with you to this position?
My degrees include a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Cornell University, a master’s degree in ruminant nutrition at West Virginia University and a Ph.D. in rumen microbiology at the University of Illinois.
What previous positions have you held?
Following postdoctoral research in dairy nutrition at The Ohio State University, I served five years at Southern Illinois University as an assistant professor of dairy management. In 2003, I moved to a position as a Dairy Extension Educator for Penn State University in Lancaster County. In 2011, I began my tenure with Kemin Animal Nutrition & Health as a Technical Service Manager.
Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
In addition to my parents, Drs. Will Hoover, Rod Mackie, and Jeff Firkins, my advisors at West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio State, respectively, have had the largest impact on my career path.
How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
Our technical service managers help our customers improve the profitability of their operations by providing research based recommendations tailored to their needs. Through our total Nutrition platform, we focus our products and services to help our customers achieve safe, healthy and efficient solutions.
Why did you choose this company?
I chose to work for Kemin for many reasons, but chief among those reasons is their continual commitment to research and the development of innovative products based on research.
What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
My goals are focused on building the research platform that supports the effective use of Kemin products in the market place.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I plan to be helping the dairy industry meet the challenges and opportunities for continued growth and innovation. PD