What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I have a Bachelor of Science in agriculture with a major in animal science.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I was raised and worked on a Holstein and Brown Swiss dairy farm, Christie Farms Ltd. in New Brunswick, which I now co-own with my parents and brother. I graduated from Nova Scotia Agriculture College (now Dal Agr) in 2002. I participated in 4-H growing up, and in 2003 I traveled to Australia for the Holstein Canada/Semex Canada Australia Exchange.

What territory will you cover?
Atlantic Canada.

What are your new responsibilities?
Doing promotion and education of Holstein Canada services, such as registration, NLID, classification, genomic testing, etc., throughout Atlantic Canada, both on-farm and at producer events, in order to retain and grow membership.

What previous positions have you held?
Assistant herd manager, Christie Farms Ltd.; financial advisor, RBC Royal Bank; branch manager, RBC Royal Bank.


Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
My parents. They got me interested in the dairy industry at a very early age. I have learned a great deal from them; they are very passionate about our industry. They allowed me to participate in management decisions on our home farm at an early age, which I think has helped develop my leadership skills and work ethic. As well, they have supported any career moves I have made, including making the recent change back to working full-time in the dairy industry.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
Two ways: One, on-farm, helping clients with specific questions about the association’s services. Two, being a conduit for communication between the Atlantic region and the association.

Why did you choose this company?
I feel the services Holstein Canada provides dairy farmers are important and need to be promoted. This position will give me a great opportunity to work with dairy producers across Atlantic Canada.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
To help Atlantic Canadian dairy producers understand the value and benefits that registration, NLID, classification, genomic testing and other member services provide.  PD