When equipped with this product, a Pearson chute will provide a firmer squeeze on the animal compared to any other manual chute. Since no electric power is needed, you have no motor noise, and you can use this new product anywhere.

In the past, the owner of a manual chute could squeeze an animal with about as much force as one or two times his or her body weight. When squeezing a 1,500 pound animal, this can often lead to inadequate holding pressure. Also, applying your entire body weight to squeeze an animal is exhausting. Now, the strength of the operator can be multiplied by a factor of 10 or more. This gives the xForce-equipped chute as much holding power as a hydraulic chute while allowing the operator to use less effort.

Despite this very firm squeeze, releasing the animal requires only a light touch on a lever. No more struggling with mechanical linkages that bind under heavy pressure.

xForce Head Control

Cattlemen will also be excited to learn about the new xForce Head Control kit. When paired with the xForce Squeeze, you can control the animal’s head firmly. Now it is easy to ensure safe, humane access to the head for operations such as bolusing, intranasal vaccinations, applying ear tags, etc. Never before has head control on a self-catch head gate been so easy to use and convenient.

This equipment can be bolted onto a Pearson chute built from 1993 onward, making it a simple way to improve the efficiency of your existing chute without having to completely replace it.  end mark


—From Pearson Livestock Equipment news release

TOP: The xForce Squeeze multiplies the strength of the chute operator using a manually actuated hydraulic device.

BOTTOM: With the new xForce Head Control kit, you can control the animal’s head firmly. Photos provided by Pearson Livestock Equipment.