Dairy farmers today are drowning in data. With sensors and smart devices tracking everything from milk production to cow activity, the amount of data generated on a modern dairy is staggering.

Yet, for many farmers, analyzing data and extracting valuable, actionable insights remains a daunting challenge. So how can you ensure you get the best value from your farm data?

Step 1: Collecting data

Dairy farms have seen a surge in data generation thanks to systems like herd management software, milking robots, cow activity monitors and feed tracking systems. While these are valuable tools to automate data collection, the sheer volume of data they produce can be overwhelming.

As a result, farmers often spend valuable time manually compiling and analyzing data from different systems using spreadsheets and other tools. This not only eats into their time but also makes it difficult to spot trends or optimize operations effectively. The next logical step would be to leverage technology to process this data and present it back in a more user-friendly format.

Step 2: Processing data

Manually downloading and combining data from multiple sources, running statistical analysis, building models and creating visualizations is no easy feat. Farmers need a better way to monitor, visualize and benchmark their key metrics. So why don’t we use the advanced capabilities of modern technology to support and simplify data analysis?


This starts with aggregating data from different systems and translating it into relevant metrics in key areas like production, feed, health, behavior, weather, etc. Being able to visualize these KPIs all in one place allows you to compare metrics, spot trends and identify potential issues. This helps you make better use of your data. But there’s more!

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Step 3: Identifying issues and opportunities

Beyond collecting and aggregating data, modern systems can make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to make analysis even easier. For example, a smart system can easily run through all your metrics and spot a correlation between ruminating time and milk yield. This would be a valuable insight that you could use to optimize your herd’s performance. Or it can look at all data points for a metric and identify outliers, highlighting a potential issue that needs your attention.

Going one step further, it could use your historical data to model and project how your metrics will change in the next weeks or months, helping you plan and make better decisions for your dairy.

Experience the benefits of AI-powered analysis

Ready to experience the benefits of AI-powered technology on your farm? Look no further. The Connecterra Platform enables you to visualize, compare and analyze all your farm data from all your systems in one place. The platform seamlessly integrates data from on-farm systems like the dairy herd management and milking system, feed software, activity sensors and more. Beyond centralizing data and supporting analysis, it uses advanced AI to give you valuable insights and help make data-informed decisions.

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  • Save time: Automate data analysis so you don't have to spend hours crunching numbers. The platform detects patterns and surfaces insights instantly.
  • Spot trends and anomalies early: The Connecterra Platform continuously monitors your operation's data to identify trends and anomalies. You'll be alerted to any concerning changes, like a drop in milk production. This allows you to take corrective action right away before problems escalate.
  • Make data-driven decisions: Base decisions on real-time data insights rather than guesswork. Understanding the impact of your interventions helps identify the optimal approach for your herd.
  • Optimize operations and farm productivity: Fine-tune processes and workflows on your farm. The platform helps pinpoint where you can gain efficiency, reduce costs and boost output. This ultimately leads to higher productivity and profit margins.

Jake Peissig from JTP Farms shares his experience, “The Connecterra app has been a fast and convenient way to analyze herd data on the farm by taking away all the work of compiling and organizing the data. Now things can be set up and easily organized into reports that are of value to me and my dairy. Instead of getting these reports quarterly, I get updated reports daily or at my fingertips whenever and wherever I have time to access and use them.”

How to get started

Getting started on the Connecterra Platform is fast and easy. Sign up for a free 60-day trial and unlock the potential of your farm data: Start your free trial today.