Articles Tagged with ''herd expansion''
Cattle on feed up slightly
Heifers remain a significant part of fed cattle population, indicating producers are not yet rebuilding herds.
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Rebuilding the herd: Who is going to own them?
Producers are feeling the pinch of rising input costs, even with cattle prices at near-record highs. What this might ultimately mean for smaller producers and size of the national cow herd is still unclear.
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To cull, maintain or expand this fall
With high cattle prices, you may be wondering what you should do. Continue reading to get advice on whether you should cull, maintain or expand this fall.
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Reduce financial risk when buying replacement heifers
To reduce exposure to risk, a rancher must consider replacing heifers without causing financial stress to the operation. Accurate recordkeeping, understanding the impact of higher interest rates and knowing the income streams your ranch can provide are critical.
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How critical production decisions affect the fate of cow herd numbers
As we face the smallest U.S. cow herd in decades, individual producers’ decisions regarding sales, retention and expansion will add up to big differences across individual operations and the entire industry.
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