Articles Tagged with ''body condition score''
Managing beef cattle to get the best use of fall/winter forage
Low-quality forages can be a limiting factor in keeping cows in proper condition for calving, lactation and rebreeding, but there are tools available to maintain reproductive health and efficiency.
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Shaping success: The role of fat and muscle in transition cows
Recent research efforts explore how muscle amount and mobilization impacts transition success and early lactation performance.
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Optimizing cow-calf production on rangelands
A lot of things can have an impact on the efficiency of your cow herd. But producers can boost cattle efficiency and profitability with strategic probiotic solutions.
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Culling decisions: Analyze cattle welfare, enhance the bottom line
Every producer also has their own set of standards for cows to remain in the herd. However, only healthy animals should be marketed. Maintaining herd health throughout an animal’s life leads to better outcomes at culling time.
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Defining efficiency: BIF Symposium offers ideas, potential solutions to genetic questions
The Beef Improvement Federation held its annual symposium in June. Several speakers focused on the importance of moderation and environment-specific attention to detail in genetic selection.
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