Articles Tagged with ''heifer pregnancy''
Optimizing heifers' long-term productivity through generational nutrition
A cow’s plane of health and nutrition can have a lasting and profound impact on her offspring throughout their lives, too.
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Best practices for managing heifer reproduction
Establishing a voluntary waiting period, preparing animals for that period and proper breeding techniques will boost success in a heifer reproduction program.
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Selecting for and improving cow longevity
Keeping productive cows in your herd as long as possible is a key component of long-term ranch profitability. Here are a few management factors that contribute to your cows’ longevity.
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Crossbreeding: The beef industry’s most underutilized tool
Even with a proven track record of success, crossbreeding plans are not as readily implemented on U.S. ranches as you might think. Here’s a quick refresher on how and why it can improve your operation.
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Wait or weight? How defining insemination eligibility and reproductive performance of heifers impacts first-lactation bodyweight and milk production
Recent research conducted at the University of Wisconsin – Madison studied how insemination eligibility and reproductive performance affects first-lactation performance.
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Selecting for reproductive efficiency in beef herds
Keeping your cows on a 12-month calving interval is not an easy task, but understanding what their bodies are going through will help achieve that goal.
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