Cattle Health
Telus Agriculture’s Kee Jim has dedicated a career and life to shoring up the physical and economic well-being of feedlot producers around the world.
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Vaccine handling: It’s more important than you think
The following information will help you give the right vaccine to the right animal at the right dose, allowing the vaccine to work as intended. Giving mishandled vaccines to your cattle will not provide the disease protection you expect.
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Essential practices to build BRD resilience in your calf crop
The path to economic success for cow-calf producers often hinges on the ability to develop healthy herds that are resilient to common management and disease challenges.
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Maximize immunity, decrease disease with these five calf health considerations
To give your calves the best chance right out of the gate, pay attention to prenatal nutrition and herd health, and have your post-birth care in place.
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Persistently infected calves invading the cattle industry
A persistently infected calf occurs when BVD infects a fetus during pregnancy. These calves will not be able to mount an immune response to kill the virus at any point in their lives and will shed the virus, endangering the other cattle around them.
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Rotavirus in calves: What is causing the problem and how do we address it?
Rotavirus is a common enteric pathogen resulting in dangerous dehydration due to its effect on the intestinal lining. Treatment should focus on correcting the loss of fluids and electrolytes, while effective prevention measures include biosecurity and vaccination protocols.
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Time to prepare: Fall processing recommendations for weaning-aged calves
It’s time to make plans for processing weaning-aged calves. Producers have many choices to make, including vaccinations, implant options and deworming strategies.
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