Business Management
We create low-stress environments for cattle to improve experience and productivity for both the animals and their handlers. But you may not have realized that many of those same principles transfer easily to your behaviour and approach when working with members of your farm family.
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Employee development: Investing in your beef production business’s future
Every beef production business makes major investments each year. An important key to maximizing the return from these investments is hiring and retaining skilled, engaged employees. An important and often overlooked ingredient for skilled and engaged employees is investing in their growth and development.
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Strengthening the ag supply chain to reduce methane emissions
When it comes to our supply chain, everyone from farmers and ranchers to transporters to consumers has a role to play in improving the levels of greenhouse gas emissions.
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The importance of calving records
Recordkeeping is extremely important during calving season. These records will be used to evaluate not only the calves, but the cows and your herd as a whole, allowing you to make production and management decisions.
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10 strategies for record-keeping success in the new year
As a new year begins, take a moment to refine your record-keeping habits. Learn about transitioning from paper records to a digital platform.
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3 tips for writing an effective job description
The ranching industry struggles to find qualified employees due to declining interest in agriculture and higher wages in other sectors. Effective recruitment and support for skilled workers provide a competitive edge.
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