Youngstock Housing
Calves can vote too: Preferences for hutch ventilation during summer
Study shows that by 6 weeks old, calves show a significant preference for ventilated hutches, and ventilated hutches can help reduce heat stress. Additionally, pair-housed calves spent 80% of their time together.
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Calves under the sun: Navigating heat stress challenges
Heat stress can have lifelong negative impacts on calf health and performance. Shade, air flow, the THI chart and electrolytes are all essential tools for mitigating this issue.
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Maximize the effectiveness of calf barn ventilation with computerized calculations
What if a farm could run multiple scenarios with barn layout to find their perfect design before pouring a drop of concrete or driving a single screw? Using new software called computational fluid dynamics, now they can.
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Managing natural ventilation in your calf barn
Tips to keep calves comfortable and healthy this winter by managing interior temperature, minimizing drafts and maintaining air flow.
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Investing in a contemporary calf barn positions Hammond family for future herd success
Proper ventilation was a key factor in the decision to build a new calf-raising facility.
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Completing a calf hygiene audit
With calf mortality rates at 6% to 8% and morbidity rates at 30%, the industry is on the hunt for ways to improve these numbers. Calf hygiene audits and ATP meters are two effective ways to accomplish this.
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The first 60 days sets the course for later lactation
Calfhood BRD makes heifers more likely to leave the herd prior to first calving, and those that stay produce 267 pounds less milk in their first lactation. Cleanliness, nutrition, vaccinations and colostrum are all key to preventing this disease.
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Mycoplasma bovis: Answers to common questions and tips for treating it
Mycoplasma bovis can be a highly detrimental disease affecting a large number of calves, especially when commingled. Treating calves with chlorine dioxide can be highly effective.
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