Canada News
3 Open Minutes with Dr. Lisa McCrea: A firsthand account of the 2021 British Columbia flooding
23,000 cows were affected by the 2021 floods in southern British Columbia. Farmers were without water and power for days, milking cows on generators. Identifying possible flood zones on farms and creating a plan of action can prevent damage during future events.
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Why dairy farming’s future lies in solar power
Advances in solar power technology and grid integration have made energy independence a viable and economically enticing option for dairy farms across Canada.
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What do dairy consumers really think?
Consumers trust Canadian farmers, but they lack knowledge of farming systems, making them more susceptible to marketing, viral trends and general misunderstandings.
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Coast-to-coast investment in dairy processing
Significant investments in Canadian dairy processing are creating job opportunities, facilitating industry growth and contributing to sustainability goals, all while addressing concerns around capacity limitations.
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Progressive Events: Net-zero and protein substitutes hot topics at this year’s Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada
Specialists in livestock feed and nutrition gathered at the Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada to discuss strategies for net-zero emissions, sustainable dairy practices, trace mineral additives, and the competition between traditional and alternative proteins.
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Revised Dairy Code of Practice: What does it mean for us?
The revised Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Dairy Cattle will be integrated with proAction to reinforce consumer perceptions of Canadian dairy farmers as global leaders in animal care.
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Beware of the status quo: Challenges on the horizon for Canadian dairy
The Canadian dairy industry must rally together to tackle upcoming challenges, including aging infrastructure, trade dynamics and regulatory uncertainties, by embracing positive momentum and proactive strategies advocated by industry veterans.
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Living up to our new code of practice
The updated Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Dairy Cattle has come into effect, and although daunting, its implementation is likely to bring win-wins for the farmer and the cattle they care for.
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