$37,500 daily – that is what the EPA fined Andy Johnson of Wyoming when he built a pond on his land to water his horses. $37,500 a day, even though he obtained his required permits allowing for the construction of his pond.

Fischer laurie
President / American Dairy Coalition

This is a reality farmers face if the EPA and the Obama administration get their way and successfully pass a Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. The rule stems from the Clean Water Act, passed in 1972, designed to put the federal government in control of major waterways in an attempt to control pollution. Recently, the EPA has sought to expand federal control beyond that of major waterways, onto the tributaries, streams, wetlands, drainage ditches and ponds, which they feel compose our nation’s water system.

For many, it is easy to shake your head and go about your life waiting for someone else to take care of the EPA’s overreach into rural areas, but with the EPA attempting to control every drainage ditch, stream and puddle across the U.S., fines such as the one Andy Johnson faced could absolutely happen to you and your farm.

One has to ask: Is the EPA looking to do more than what they claim? Are they really looking to regulate modern farming and agricultural operations out of existence? The Obama administration appears to be slowly, but surely, bringing more of what has long been considered authority reserved for our states under federal control. Ultimately, the federal government may bring day-to-day control of your farm and agricultural operation into the hands of Washington bureaucrats.

Despite the push back of many states that argue WOTUS undermines their primacy in water management, the president continues to push through his agenda – most recently by issuing a veto to a congressional repeal of a bill that would have stopped this over burdensome increase of costly regulations. The House Agriculture Committee will delve into the impact of EPA and how it affects our nation’s farmers, ranchers and agricultural producers, but a real threat looms that without aggressive work to repeal WOTUS, the EPA will gain yet another foothold in their agenda to overregulate farmers.


The time is ripe that farmers, ranchers and dairy producers come together and work with the American Dairy Coalition to voice their opposition to needless and harmful regulations that are placed upon them. WOTUS is a prime example of the issues we face in Washington, D.C. The administration simply doesn’t seem to care what our states have to say, if it is contrary to their agenda.

The American Dairy Coalition understands that EPA overreach issues must stay as top-of-mind issues with our representatives, not only at home, but also in Washington, D.C. This will not be done if our voices are not heard.

Our coalition is working hard on Capitol Hill to ensure your farming operation is protected, but your assistance is necessary to continue the cause. Don’t stand by and let someone in Washington, D.C., tell you how to run your business. By becoming a member of the American Dairy Coalition, farmers, processors, customers, partners and others throughout the supply chain can work together to coalesce behind common positions, which are critical for a strong livestock and agriculture industry. The success of WOTUS and other important federal policy issues relies on a strong, unified coalition of members stepping forward. You can accomplish this by joining the American Dairy Coalition today.

For more information on joining the American Dairy Coalition, please visit the coalition’s website.  PD

Laurie Fischer is president of the American Dairy Coalition. Email Laurie Fischer or call (920) 771-0008.