Last week, Sundee (our summer editorial intern who wrote the article 10 tips for producing baleage) asked me and several others on our team to describe her using three adjectives. She explained there was evidence revealing the three adjectives co-workers use to describe you is a great way to get an accurate description of how others perceive you.

Hendrix joy
Managing Editor / Progressive Forage

I resisted the urge to Google a list of adjectives and instead replied honestly with three words I believe fit her after working with her this summer, but the idea was intriguing to me.

I knew asking for three words to describe yourself was a common interview question, but I never stopped to consider how the question could impact your actions in a current position.

This simple request has made me question what story the three words others gave to me would tell. Would I be satisfied with the words I was given if I asked my current co-workers this question? Would they align with the responsibilities I have been given to fulfill? Would the story told by these three words come together to tell the story of who I want to be?

As agriculturalists, there are a few common traits that unite us and could be given to most of the people in this field. I would venture it is safe to say most producers are adaptable, inquisitive and faithful. These are words that come together to form a story of what it is like to be in this industry. Looking beyond that and acknowledging traits in each individual is best done through the eyes of honest peers, but there is value in doing this exercise with others in your life.


Think of the adjectives you would like to be described as; ask your peers, your spouse and anyone you interact with on a regular basis how they would describe you. Ensure the words they use match how you want to be described.

Dale Carnegie once said, “If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don’t want to be.”

I don’t have the perfect formula to making sure these words are the impression I leave on people, but I am now conscious of what I would like these words to be. My goal now is to keep these words in mind when dealing with people, specifically in tough situations when I am tempted to let anger and other emotions get the better of me.

I encourage you to think about the words you would like others to use to describe you and actively work toward making these words tell the story of who you would like to be in life.