Items Tagged with 'teat health'
Careful monitoring of the milking parlor, cow traffic areas, freestall management, teat disinfectant, teat skin health, vaccinations and nutrition can aid in fighting against Klebsiella mastitis.
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Maintaining optimum milk production and udder health
Achieving optimum milk production and udder health goals requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses both the selection of appropriate milking equipment and the implementation of effective milking techniques.
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Teat health and milk quality: What should you be looking for?
Routinely collecting teat health metrics can help in assessing the impact areas on the farm for teat health.
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The battle of bottle teats
Udder quality is a trait most cattlemen focus on. It is known that “bad bags,” or poor-quality udders, will cause havoc during calving season. But are those less-than-perfect udders more than just an eyesore? Does a bad quarter or big teat cause performance issues with calves?
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Use the right product at the right time to guarantee excellent udder health
When managing udder health, you are also managing milk quality and production. Taking the time to make a management plan can save you money down the road.
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