Items Tagged with 'heterosis'
Efficiency matters, both in your feedlot and for your cow herd
While cow-calf herds may depend on different traits to be efficient than feedlot cattle do, selection for both sectors doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive.
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Cashing in on your calf crop: Adding value at the auction block
By utilizing value-added programs and getting a firm grasp on the value of each pound gained, cow-calf producers can greatly increase their profitability.
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Cattlemen’s College: Using genomics to unravel heterosis
Unlocking a herd’s genetic potential has never been more of a reality, with genomic tools allowing producers to understand how certain traits are being passed to the next generation.
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Genetic improvement driven by distinct factors
Improving a cow herd’s genetics can happen from many different points of origin and emphasize even more tactics. Fortunately, a few factors top the list when looking for guidance on these important decisions.
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Crossbreeding: The beef industry’s most underutilized tool
Even with a proven track record of success, crossbreeding plans are not as readily implemented on U.S. ranches as you might think. Here’s a quick refresher on how and why it can improve your operation.
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Adjustment factors help producers navigate use of multiple breeds
EPDs provide a lot of value when selecting bulls for your herd, but understanding across-breed EPD relationships can help producers more precisely apply heterosis and breed complementarity with their specific environment.
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Sustainability, beef-on-dairy big topics at BIF Symposium
Researchers, marketers, and commercial and seedstock producers from around the world gathered at the 2023 BIF Symposium to discuss how improving beef genetics are helping the industry face the modern world.
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Composite sires offer opportunity for seedstock and commercial producers
Composite and hybrid cattle are becoming more common and are increasingly offered at sales. Today, these crossbreds can compete alongside their purebred counterparts thanks to a greater understanding of heterosis and better genomic analysis.
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