Heifer Raising
Study shows that by 6 weeks old, calves show a significant preference for ventilated hutches, and ventilated hutches can help reduce heat stress. Additionally, pair-housed calves spent 80% of their time together.
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Counter the complexity of scours with a focused effort
While scours is a complex issue, a focused effort to provide calves with adequate antibodies, a clean environment and minimal exposure to older animals can greatly decrease a calf’s chances of falling victim to scours.
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Maximize the effectiveness of calf barn ventilation with computerized calculations
What if a farm could run multiple scenarios with barn layout to find their perfect design before pouring a drop of concrete or driving a single screw? Using new software called computational fluid dynamics, now they can.
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Completion rate and herd longevity: Making informed decisions on culling heifer calves
Raising every heifer might sound like a good idea, but it can cost more in the long run. Culling problematic and potentially problematic calves early in life is a key component to a profitable, sustainable dairy.
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Calf scours 101: Hold back your syringe
While scours can have a variety of causes, some things remain the same. It can be highly contagious, hydration is key, and boosting calf immunity is better than treatment.
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Cow longevity is a key to dairy profitability
A look at longevity shows a potential for added profitability.
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Invest in the perfect calf
Raising healthy calves may cost more pennies initially, but it pays back dollars in the long run as animals require fewer treatments, perform better, stay in the herd longer and promote better employee morale.
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Completing a calf hygiene audit
With calf mortality rates at 6% to 8% and morbidity rates at 30%, the industry is on the hunt for ways to improve these numbers. Calf hygiene audits and ATP meters are two effective ways to accomplish this.
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Don’t lose your future genetics to calf scours
Scours is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in preweaned dairy calves. This can have major ramifications down the road, making it imperative that calves receive proper care from day one.
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