The Cornell Department of Animal Science and PRO-DAIRY are pleased to announce “Group-Housed Dairy Calf Systems – A Symposium and Tours for Producers and Advisors.” Come join many of the 45 known New York and Vermont herds and their veterinarians at the Group-Housed Dairy Calf Systems Symposium in Syracuse, New York on Dec. 1. Eleven tours spread across New York State will follow the next week from Dec. 7-9.
Newborn calves are infants and a social animal. While we cannot perfectly emulate the beef cow with her calf in a herd on pasture, we can mimic the critical number of feedings and social needs of these young bovines thanks to pioneering dairies that are making group housing work. Newer technologies such as autofeeders (robots), stabilized (acidified) milk self feeders, positive pressure directed ventilation and some promising negative pressure ventilation systems have allowed this advancement to flourish. Investment financial risk is minimized due to substantial labor savings with these systems. A broad range of housing options from retrofits to testing system in an older facility and migrating to a purposed new facility will be represented among the producer panel members.
Speakers include Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University; Dr. Neil Anderson, OMAFRA, Ontario; Dr. Ken Nordlund, University of Wisconsin; John Hanchar, NWNY Dairy and Field Crops Team; Dr. Mark Thomas, Countryside Veterinary Clinic, Lowville, New York; Dr. Bob Ceglowski, Rupert Veterinary Clinic, Rupert, Vermont; Jon Beller, Beller Farms; Mark Cary, Woody Hill Farm; Don Jensen, Lawnhurst Farms; Mary Kelly and Ric Bartholomew; Kelly Farms; and Sara and Lynn Murray, Murcrest Farm.
Conference Center space for the symposium is limited. Information regarding symposium agenda, location and registration as well as specific information on the free follow-up tours can be found here. PD
—From PRO-DAIRY news release