When it comes to balancing diets for amino acids, the dairy industry is in its infancy. Research, combined with more refined nutrition models, has helped identify some amino acids as limiting. But additional work is needed to evaluate more individual AAs and to better understand the role they play.

New research in the January 2018 issue of the Journal of Dairy Science sought to identify which AAs were most likely to have an effect on milk yield, milk protein yield and milk protein percentage. Researchers identified 63 published papers with 258 individual treatments for the study. Two different statistical models were used. Regardless of the analytical approach used, the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) predicted that metabolizable histidine, leucine, tryptophan, threonine and methionine were all limiting or co-limiting amino acids for lactating dairy cows. Results for lysine did not support it as a limiting amino acid, but the inclusion rate in the diet may not have been enough to yield a response.

Here’s what the analysis showed:

  • Methionine was associated with increased milk protein yield and milk protein percentage.
  • Methionine was associated with increased milk protein yield and milk protein percentage.
  • Leucine was associated with increased milk yield and milk protein yield.
  • Histidine was associated with increased milk yield.

Focusing on amino acids instead of crude protein allows producers to potentially increase milk protein and milk yield while feeding less protein. Doing so may help reduce cost, minimize the amount of nitrogen excreted in waste and maintain or improve cow performance. More research is needed to fully understand the interactions of specific amino acids in the dairy cow diet at different stages of lactation and to provide specific nutritional guidance.

Amino Acids with SoyPlus

Soybean-based bypass proteins, like SoyPlus, are considered very high quality protein because of their amino acid profile. SoyPlus specifically has all five critical amino acids identified in the recent research. 


Decisions about which protein products will best supply the metabolizable protein and essential amino acids cows need while supplying energy and supporting microbial protein production should be based on a review of controlled research data. Universities have trusted SoyPlus in more than 180 published trials over more than 30 years to provide a desirable amino acid profile, high intestinal digestibility and reliable RUP values. 

Using SoyPlus to balance degradable and undegradable protein ratios and supply limiting amino acids allows for lower total protein diets to reduce feed costs while maintaining or improving milk production and components. The big picture cost-savings seen when using SoyPlus makes it one of the most valuable and cost efficient options on the market. 

With every order of SoyPlus, producers can count on a handful of benefits:

Intestinal digestibility

Years of university research and third-party laboratory testing verify that both the ruminal bypass and intestinal digestibility of the proteins in SoyPlus have been maximized.

Higher energy and essential fatty acids

SoyPlus is higher in energy than solvent extracted products. SoyPlus contains essential fatty acids which can replace some of the supplemental fat sources that may be added separately to the ration. With a fat percentage of roughly 6%, SoyPlus provides higher energy content than solvent-extracted products providing average fat of 1-2%.

Supported rumen microbial growth

The rumen degradable protein in SoyPlus exists as quickly-metabolized soluble protein and more slowly degraded proteins to provide a steady supply of nitrogen necessary for microbial growth. 


SoyPlus has a pleasant roasted aroma. The higher fat content contributes flavor and dust control resulting in high dry matter intake and more milk production. 

Confidence of an all-natural product

Unlike solvent extracted soybean meal, some of which is made with hexane, SoyPlus is made without added chemicals. It is entirely plant derived. Our soybeans are cracked, heated and squeezed. This removes much of the oil while increasing the RUP content and preserving the integrity of the raw ingredient.


Consistency in feed ingredients matters, and the rigorous testing applied to SoyPlus ensures that what we claim our product to be is what you actually get. SoyPlus is routinely subjected to not just one, but two protein analytical procedures. The RUP content is verified via ongoing in situ testing as well as being subjected to additional evaluation using the “Ross” in vitro method. SoyPlus is ISO and HACCP certified.

Visit us at dairynutritionplus.com to learn more about SoyPlus and other gold standard feed ingredients like SoyChlor.
