Farms Technology, L.L.C., announced a mobile trading technology application for their enhanced electronic grain marketing program, providing even more flexibility for the buying and selling of corn, soybeans, wheat and sorghum. DPP (Dynamic Pricing Platform) grain desk helps sellers of grain commodities make, manage and monitor offers. As an extension of this online system, the new mobile app, which is available on iPhone and Android smart phone systems, is the latest innovation in the grain commodities trading market designed to connect sellers with their preferred buyer.

"DPP grain desk mobile app users can monitor futures markets, view local cash bids and market commentary at their convenience," says Tonia Carpenter, senior marketing manager for DPP grain desk. "The app also allows for transactions, which makes marketing grain much easier during long days in the field or time out of the office. App users also have the ability to respond to active private bids (APB) and direct messages sent to mobile devices anytime, anywhere."

APB text alerts are a quick and efficient way for a buyer to contact a seller to meet an immediate need for a specific quantity or quality of grain from a desired location. Typically, APBs are at a premium price compared to public bids. By having an active DPP grain desk account, sellers ensure they have access to the best local opportunities to market their grain. For buyers, the tool offers a streamlined process to procure more bushels of grain using fewer resources with dramatically improved customer service.

"With commodity markets more volatile than ever, it's challenging to watch for price movement that might impact grain marketing decisions," Carpenter says. "This marketing tool can provide growers with the opportunity to sell grain at any time and helps streamline the connection with their buyer, especially when markets are moving fast or after regular business hours. The technology behind DPP grain desk also can help buyers when it comes to hedging cash commodity transactions."

Growers post offers to their buyers electronically and DPP grain desk monitors offers with every tick of the market. When offers match buyers' bids, the transactions complete automatically.


The power of dynamic pricing and E-Pit technology featured in the DPP grain desk allow users to monitor activity at all hours of the day and night.

Click here to learn how to download and activate the DPP grain desk mobile app. PD

—From Farms Technology news release