Laurie Fischer, executive director of the Dairy Business Milk Marketing Cooperative (DBMMC) is pleased to announce the results of the recent appointment of members for the Cooperative's Board of Directors. DBMMC is a testing co-op which verifies the amount and components of milk sold to proprietary processing plants. The primary mission of this cooperative is to verify milk components and represent dairy producers at the federal government on legislative issues that are important to them.

One of the three newly appointed members of the Board of Directors includes dairy producer Randy Hallet of Hallet Dairy Farm, LLC. Randy, his wife Julie and son Josh, milk 54 Jersey cows at their family farm near Casco in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Josh also attends the University of Wisconsin – Platteville campus in the School of Agriculture.

DBMMC members also appointed Ken Verhasselt, who along with his brothers Mike and Bruce, operate Verhasselt Farms, Ltd. a family dairy operation in rural Kaukauna, Wisconsin. Ken and wife Crystal have four children, Derek, who is 20; Nichole, 18; Chad, 16; and Carly, 12. The Verhasselt Farm is currently milking 2,000 cows.

Todd Doornink was also appointed to a seat on the Cooperative's Board of Directors. Todd has three daughters Annaliese, Mikayla and Eva and is a partner in Jon-De Farms, Inc. near Baldwin, Wisconsin. The farm currently milks 1,700 cows. PD


—From DBMMC news release