The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy and the World Wildlife Fund have partnered to produce a new video series about the 2014 U.S. Dairy Sustainability Award winners.

The first video in the series features Maddox Dairy in Riverdale, California. It celebrates Maddox Dairy's "one cow" philosophy, which has resulted in that dairy providing more than 16 million gallons of milk per year.

The remaining five videos in the series will be released every two weeks. Each story is told with millennials in mind, highlighting common values that can help connect with this audience and bridge the gap from farm to table. As is the case with farmers, technology is a valued and everyday part of millennials’ lives. Millennials are entrepreneurial, value having a job that means something, care about the environment and admire individual initiative in service to the community.

The 2015 U.S. Dairy Sustainability Awards are accepting nominations through Nov. 7. PD

—Summarized from Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy news release


Read more about Maddox Dairy in a March 2014 Progressive Dairyman article:Writing the future of your dairy farm.