Anyone who works with cattle – whether on a dairy, commercial cowherd or feedlot – understands that treating animals with proper care and handling is essential.

The checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) and Dairy Beef Quality Assurance (DBQA) programs utilize a common sense, practical approach to everyday animal care and show consumers that you are serious about producing quality food – both milk and beef.

Thanks to a partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (BIVI), you have a chance to become DBQA certified for free! The cost of certification is normally $25 to $50; however, until Oct. 31, BIVI will cover the cost of the certification.

The online courses, which are administered by the Beef Cattle Institute (BCI) housed at Kansas State University, are divided up by industry segment including dairy.

Topics include training on transportation and handling, and they showcase science-based, best-management practices developed by a team of industry experts. The course allows you to go at your own pace and even record your progress.


So, if you need to stop in the middle of a session, you can start again right where you left off and continue with the training. The online courses also are a great training tool for employees.

Visit the Beef Quality Assurance website or the BIVI website to register for the online courses. PD

—From Beef Quality Assurance news release