Finding a reliable, cost-effective lysine product for dairy cattle can be tough. That’s why QualiTech Inc. created Bovi-Lysine rumen-protected lysine as an alternative to feeding blood meal or other lysine sources.

Validated at the University of New Hampshire by Charles G. Schwab, Ph.D., this product is 47 percent rumen-protected lysine and delivers 12.69 grams of intestinally available lysine per 100 grams of product fed.

The rumen-protection technology protects the lysine from degradation in the rumen, while helping deliver the product to the cow’s small intestine where it can be used. The product’s specific gravity allows it to drop to the bottom of the rumen and flow through to the intestine quickly.

“This product is an available and reliable lysine source for dairy cows,” says Jack Garrett, Ph.D., director of technical service and research at QualiTech. “It is a highly bioavailable lysine source to help nutritionists balance diets for lysine. We know lysine balancing is an important tool for the dairy industry to help make cows more productive.”

For more information about Bovi-Lysine, visit the QualiTech website. PD


—From QualiTech Inc. news release