Angela Breneman Calf Specialist Agri-Basics Inc.Washington Boro, Pennsylvania

What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I have a Bachelors of Science degree in animal science with a specialization in livestock science and management from Delaware Valley College. I am also Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified and have on-farm experience from working with my own cattle and working on my husband’s family dairy farm.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up raising horses and beef cattle and was very involved in FFA in high school. I was and currently am involved in various clubs and associations, such as the National Junior Angus Association, Pennsylvania Livestock Association and Dairy Society. I currently run a small cow-calf operation with my husband where we raise registered Black Angus cattle. My husband and I also own a herd of registered Holstein cattle that we care for along with a 600-cow milking herd on the family farm.

What territory will you cover?
All of Pennsylvania and the greater northeast. I will also do some work into Maryland, New Jersey and Ohio.

What are your new responsibilities?
With my job as the calf specialist, I will be working with Agri-Basics’ nutritionists to utilize our Double 56 program to improve early calf performance. I will also be doing data-based research on our Double 56 line of calf feeds and helping producers review their heifer raising management and protocols.


What previous positions have you held?
Previously, I have worked and currently still work part-time at Lancaster DHIA in the microbiology lab. I am certified to run state testing on both raw and finished dairy products. I have also worked closely with various 4-H livestock groups while working for the Penn State Cooperative Extension of Chester County.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
My professors at Delaware Valley College and my family have made the biggest impact on my career. They all have provided me with the tools and courage I needed to help me be where I am today. If I ever need advice or guidance, I can always find answers from my tremendous support group, from my DelVal family and my true family.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
With the combination of my technical training and personal experience with my own livestock, I will be able to advise others with management tips and guidelines to maximize their cattle’s potential. Through education, I hope to provide producers with the tools to not only grow more productive, healthier calves, but also with information on how to grow them more efficiently.

Why did you choose this company?
I chose to work for Agri-Basics Inc. because of the vast range of opportunity and support they provide to their customers. Our team of nutritionists is dedicated to helping each of their producers reach their absolute best while providing them with the tools to do so.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
I would like to take my knowledge of animal husbandry and educate producers more on ruminant development in young stock and BQA. Ultimately, my long-term goal is to help maintain and improve the longevity of my producers’ businesses. PD