Land O'Lakes has announced improvements to its Bovine IgG Colostrum Replacement, reducing the time required to prepare it to 15 seconds.

"With this formulation update, now Land O'Lakes Bovine IgG Colostrum Replacement can be mixed in approximately 15 seconds and is ready to feed to newborn calves," said Dr. Tom Earleywine, director of nutritional services for Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Products. "The calf’s ability to absorb Immunoglobulins (IgG’s) begins to diminish almost immediately, and as a result the time span between when a calf is born and receives colostrum is critical."

The reformulated colostrum replacement contains all the protein and fat of natural bovine colostrum. It delivers more than 100 grams of IgG in a single dose, 95 percent of it as IgG1, the only form of IgG known to be secreted from calves' blood back onto mucosal surfaces in the gut and lungs. This helps combat enteric and respiratory diseases.

The reformulation also has greater rates of passive transfer compared to serum-based products. Independent research suggests a better rate of passive transfer because of greater apparent efficiency of absorption.

The colustrum replacement is also USDA-licensed and -tested, and guaranteed free of pathogens. PD


—From Land O'Lakes news release