Earlier this week, the California Department of Food and Agriculture released its much anticipated announcement on the Dec. 21, 2012 milk pricing hearing, saying it would temporarily increase Class 1, 2, 3, 4a and 4b prices by approximately $0.251/cwt for the period of Feb. 1 to May 31, 2013. The announcement by Candace Gates, chief of the Dairy Marketing Branch, provided these details:
- Increasing the Class 1 price approximately $0.05/cwt by adding: $0.0006 per pound to the milk fat price; $0.0045 per pound to the milk solids-not-fat price; $0.0001 per pound to the milk fluid carrier price.
- Increasing the Class 2 and 3 prices approximately $0.10/cwt by adding: $0.0082 per pound to both the milk fat and milk solids-not-fat prices.
- Increasing the Class 4a and 4b prices approximately $0.30/cwt by adding: $0.0246 per pound to both the milk fat and milk solids-not-fat prices.
Click here and go to "Hearing Matrix" to view the hearing determinations, panel report, stabilization plans and a more detailed explanation of the department’s decision. PD
—From CDFA news release