Terry Lyons Eau Claire, Wisconsin Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Engineering J&D Manufacturing

What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I obtained a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness fromFreed-Hardeman Universityin Henderson, Tennessee.

Please describe your agricultural background.
Because both of my parents were raised on farms, their “farm-raised” values were ingrained in me. Many of my formative years were spent in the rural part of western Tennessee. Being active in the local FFA chapter reinforced in me the significance of agriculture in our society.


I set out for a career in agricultural finance; however, after graduating from college in 1984, this career path changed when the agriculture financial institutions were undergoing difficult times and were not hiring. I found myself in the agriculture and horticulture department of Acme Engineering, a formidable ventilation company.
At Acme, I learned the importance of ventilation for both the animal confinement and greenhouse markets.

Working for companies including J&D, and traveling throughout the U.S. and abroad on behalf of these companies over the last 27 years, has afforded me the opportunity to share with others things that great people have taught me over the years.

What are your new responsibilities?
I will oversee sales and marketing activities and, with the development team, further improve and expand J&D’s diverse product line.

What territory will you cover?
My territory is worldwide, supporting the sales manager, territorial reps and our loyal dealer organizations.

What previous positions have you held?
I’ve have been previously employed as a sales and marketing technician, product development supervisor, territorial manager, product manager, sales manager and sales and marketing manager.

What excites you most about working in your new role?
Professionally, my focus is agriculture. My hope and prayer is that my new role will more positively affect the all-important goal of improving the agriculture industry in helping feed the world. Generally, what excites me about my new role is that I will be able to further help create an environment where people help themselves and where our goals will always include the betterment of our fellow man.

The world population continues to grow and the people willing to work in agriculture in this country is waning, which means that for one, we in the equipment sector of the agricultural industry must step it up a notch to keep the U.S. at the forefront in helping feed the world.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
By having a foundation of great people with impeccable work ethics and a growing knowledge to better service our loyal dealers, who will ensure the producer is helped in the way they want and need.

When we can create a comfortable environment for animals, plants and the people that work in these environments, it will only promote growth in the efficiencies of food production systems. Finding ways to make the producer more productive, more efficient and more profitable are certainly included in my goals.

Why did you choose this company?
J&D is a dynamic company. The owners had set the stage for great things to happen. It is normally a stressful time when deciding to change career paths, but we need to leave the tough decisions up to God.

After hiring on, during the first quarterly meeting I addressed the entire organization and answered a question that was asked many times: “What drew an old Southern boy 1,000 miles north, moving his six-member family to Eau Claire, Wisconsin?” My answer was simply one word – potential. There is still so much potential for growth and positive change within J&D; it is exciting to think that I can be a part of this.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
I would like to improve every ventilation product line and create new product lines that will be innovative, high-quality and affordable.

I would also like to lead our continually growing team at J&D to a higher level of customer service, ensuring our company remains focused on the customer, while continuing to keep a pulse on the marketplace, always looking for those growth opportunities. PD