Farmers who love social media have likely heard of the "felfie" – an ag-based offshoot of the selfie, which is a self-portrait taken on the fly, usually by phone. (For more about felfies, check out this newspaper article.) Progressive Dairyman editors figured that if a #felfie is what happens when a farmer takes a selfie, then dairy farmers should launch the #calfie (farmer + calf + selfie). We took the idea to our Facebook fans, in the form of a #calfie contest, and got a stellar response.

We received close to 70 submissions and loved all of the great comments and activity on our Facebook page. Thank you to all who submitted photos!


And the winner is ... Michaela Wood! Michaela sent in a photo of herself hauling two calves in a truck. Her photo gathered an astounding 168 likes!

Following close behind with 158 likes is Stacey Vanden Berge, who submitted a photo of herself bottle feeding a Holstein.

And third place goes to Holly Hull with 124 likes on one of two photos she sent in of her twin daughters smiling with their respective favorite calves on the farm.


Each of our winners will receive a Proud to Dairy hat.

If you'd like to share your great #calfie photos, feel free to post them to our Proud to Dairy website. PD