Scienco develops on-site generation of disinfectant solution Scienco has introduced the SciChlor generator with SciCell technology to produce a disinfectant called OX Solution (OXS). It produces up to a 0.8 percent chlorine solution made from salt, water and electricity.
The integrated technology uses an electro-chemical activation (ECA) process to recirculate aqueous, purified sodium chloride solution and brine water through an electrolytic cell in order to generate an eco-friendly, highly active and effective product. The compact design safely and efficiently produces 10 and 20 pounds of OXS on demand every day.
OXS is a strong oxidizer that has been proven to kill a wide spectrum of bacteria and disease more efficiently and economically than bleach or other harsh chemicals.
This natural biocide works well as an udder prep using a dip cup, foamers or teat scrubbers.
Farm and lab-tested, it met 100 percent kill on E. coli., staph aureus, and other common bacteria and viruses within 30 seconds.
How it works: The unit generates OXS through a balance of brine and water and is dependent on solution consumption.
The system creates 2 to 13 percent salinity (8 percent is the optimum for brine) for the automatic production of OXS.The unit and pump recirculates the solution.
After about five hours, the solution will have reached optimum concentration of the desired strength of 8,000 ppm FAC (free available chlorine). As the solution is used, the water will automatically refill the brine tank. If no solution is used, the system will automatically shut off, saving power.
Use OXS as a pre-milking sanitizer, footbath treatment, topical hoof treatment, sanitizer for the exterior of milking equipment including milker claws, sanitizer for maternity pens and hospital barns, sanitizer for calf hutches and calf-raising areas, sanitizer for cloth towels, sanitizer for bedding in freestalls and sanitizer for calf and cattle trailers.
—From Scienco/Fast news release
Merck Animal Health’s Vista vaccines now for pregnant cows
Approved by the USDA, dairy producers now have the flexibility to vaccinate pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows against bovine reproductive and respiratory diseases with Vista, a modified-live viral (MLV) vaccine line from Merck Animal Health.
Available in six different antigen presentations, features of the vaccine line include:
• One-dose reproductive protection: The only vaccines with one-dose L. hardjo-bovis protection in combination with five-way MLV and five-way Leptospira protection, including against L. borgpetersenii serovar hardjo-bovis – providing both the convenience of one dose and comprehensive reproductive protection.
• Complete fetal protection: The only vaccine labeled for BVD Types 1 and 2 protection for both persistent infection, for less than 120 days of gestation, and for fetal (or congenital) infection, after 120 days of gestation – providing protection throughout the entire pregnancy.
• Unique respiratory protection: The only avirulent-live culture Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica vaccine (Vista Once SQ) – providing dual bacterial BRD protection in combination with a five-way MLV. The pregnant cow/nursing calf label claim does not apply to the Vista Once combination.
Producers are encouraged to work with their veterinarian to design a vaccination management program to meet the specific needs of their herd. PD
—From Merck Animal Health news release