Burt Kullhem Dairy Technical Specialist Palisade, Minnesota Agri-Nutrition Consulting

What education are you bringing with you to this position?

I have a bachelor’s degree in animalsciencewitha dairy emphasis from the University of Minnesota.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I have been part of the dairy industry my whole life.My experiences range from operating my own dairy, managing two large dairies (1,000 each), sales, tech supportand rationformulation for regional and national companies.

What territory will you cover?
I am working with herds and ANC Consultants inthe Midwest primarily. Additionally, I am part of the technical team and support technical service activities throughout our organization.

What are your responsibilities with your new role?
My focus is to develop herds and consultants to support our large herd business. I provide technical nutrition and ration services, on-farm analysis and business development. My job is to target the areas that see our clients producing milk efficiently and profitably.


What previous positions have you held?
I have been a herd manager attwo1,000cow dairies. At a regional feed mill – sales,nationalpre-mixcompany— I was an area sales manager and dairy tech support.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
Therehavebeen numerous people from the various positions I have held who have impacted me. I feel that we can all learn something from everyone we encounter. Sometimes the best lessons come when someone isn't intentionally trying to teach you something.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
My role here embodies the slogan, "GoBeyondNutrition!" this company is proud to be a provider of quality rations and products, and our team of ration analyst is the best in the industry.

We strive to bring you top-notch rations to keep your cattle healthy and increase your bottom line.
This sets the foundation for me to take the time necessary to go deeper with each herd to identify the problems and other issues that are limiting their potential. I see the whole picture from start to finish and leave no stone unturned.

Why did you choose this company?
This company is made up of great people both staff and independent consultants. It holds a unique position in the market by providing nutritional and technical support without being tied to any feed company. We go beyond the nutrition, rations and products to see herds successful in every aspect of their operation.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
My primary focus is applyingmyknowledge and experience to grow the company’s business, as well as the herds with which I work. Every company wants to be part of the large herdmarket;my goal is to see that this company brings remarkable value to these herds.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself growing with the company and the clients we serve. PD