Ambition Hercules Jordan is representing the Jersey breed as the 2013 Cow of the Year, says Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Secretary Ben Brancel. Jordan is owned by Derek Orth of Lancaster.

“Congratulations to Orthridge Jerseys on developing this exceptional Jersey cow, who has a strong record of milk production and excellent genetics,” Brancel says. “The future of Wisconsin’s dairy industry is very bright with dedicated dairy farm families like the Orths and quality cattle like Ambition Hercules Jordan.”

Jordan was bred by Amber Elliott of Marshall and was purchased by Orth in 2007 as a heifer to add to his family’s growing herd.Elliott purchased the dam of Jordan from Owens Farm Inc., Frederic, where this cow line has been bred by the Owens family for a dozen bovine generations, going back to the early 1950s.

Jordan continued to increase production and climb in her type appraisal score each year. Through the completion of her most recent lactation she has a lifetime production of more than 130,000 pounds of milk and is classified EX-94.

In her most recent lactation, begun at age 7-01,Jordan produced 28,080 pounds of milk, 1,410 pounds of fat and 992 pounds of protein in 305 days. She is milked three times a day in the farm’s parlor.


She is part of Orthridge Jerseys’ flush program, allowing Orth to capitalize on her genetic transmitting ability. Through ET and natural births, she has 18 daughters and six maternal granddaughters, with additional ET calves due this month.

The first bull placed in AI from this cow family is Orthridge Jenga, whose semen was released for sale in June of 2013. Jordan is currently bred and due in October to begin her seventh lactation.

Ambition Hercules Jordan was selected as the 2013 Cow of the Year, according to a succession plan determined by the Wisconsin Purebred Dairy Cattle Association to honor the seven major dairy breeds. The Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Association chose Ambition Hercules Jordan for this recognition to represent the Jersey breed.

The 2013 Cow of the Year Proclamation will be presented by Brancel and the 66th Alice in Dairyland Kristin Olson during the International Jersey Show at World Dairy Expo in Madison. PD

—From DATCP news release