The FDA recently granted Diamond V a functional claim, saying the company’s original product plays an important role in supporting dry matter intake (DMI) during a cow’s early lactation phase.

“Too often in our industry, products are sold without employing a peer-reviewed research process,” says Gerald Poppy, director of North American Dairy. “In contrast,” the company “leads by investing in peer-reviewed research, which can support an application for an FDA functional claim.”

DMI and the diet’s net energy concentration determine the cow’s total energy intake. Because energy intake is the primary driver of milk yield in the first 70 days postpartum, when milk production increases rapidly, the inclusion of the company's product in TMR supports the cow’s metabolic demands when she needs support most.


The incidence and severity of the metabolic diseases of early lactation can be reduced by alleviating excessive body fat mobilization through increased DMI. PD

—From Diamond V news release