Jordan Simonson Dublin, Ohio Multimedia Communications Specialist Select Sires, Inc.

What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison with a bachelor's degree majoring in life sciences communication and agricultural and applied economics. In short, I majored in agricultural marketing.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up on a 70-cow dairy farm until I was ten, when my parents had to sell their farm due to poor milk prices. I have been an active member of the FFA, showing cattle and swine at the local county fair.

My goal in life is to help the dairy industry be successful, so no other dairy farmers have to go out of business like my family.

What territory will you cover?
I am working from the headquarters in Plain City, Ohio, serving the nine member-owned cooperatives.


What are your new responsibilities?
I will be spearheading several online initiatives for Select Sires including the online training site, website updates and social media initiatives. I will also be responsible for the creation of daughter and training videos.

What previous positions have you held?
I held two internships during my time in college. I was the advertising and promotions intern for ABS Global, Inc. and the communications intern for UW Discovery Farms. I was also a student employee for CALS Career Services as the student marketing assistant.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
The person that has made the biggest impact on my career is my previous employer at CALS Career Services, Maria McGinnis. She let me experiment and try new things. I owe a lot of what I have learned to her leadership and willingness to let me take control of some things.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I want to help make this company the trusted leader in artificial insemination information. By using social media and blogs, I want to give dairy farmers useful information to help them become more successful using artificial insemination.

Why did you choose this company?
I have always had the goal to help the dairy industry so another dairy farmer does not have to go out of business like my parents. I strongly believe in the power of artificial insemination and its value in creating stronger genetics and more profitable cows.

The company’s brand promise, “Your Success, Our Passion,” says it all to me. I strongly believe Select Sires has similar goals as myself.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
I really want to engage dairy farmers through social media so we can teach them the information they want to know. If this company becomes the go-to location for artificial insemination information, I would consider that my main goal.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I would like to get my MBA so I could move up in an organization and make an even bigger impact in the dairy industry. PD