It’s World Ag Expo time again. I know that my wife is most looking forward to this year’s show because I won’t have to be absent on Valentine’s Day. I’m sure that might be a benefit to other producers, vendors and attendees. Here’s the top 3 reasons I’m looking forward to attending this year’s show.

Get an update on rumen bolus monitoring technology.

One of World Ag Expo’s Top 5 New Dairy Products is a rumen bolus that transmits temperature and motion calculations for use in herd health and breeding monitoring. I’m curious to see in person what TenXsys of Eagle, Idaho, the product’s creator, can do with their bolus. I’ve always believed that more data sent directly from the cow to a computer would improve large-herd dairy management.

Last year Bella Health Systems unveiled their own rumen bolus with RFID technology. They will also be exhibiting. Rumen bolus monitoring technology is evolving. In my opinion, the potential for wide-scale, on-farm implementation is drawing nearer.

See some dairy cows.


There’s plenty of live evidence of dairy cows in the nation’s No. 1 dairy county. Last year Semex began a live-cattle display at World Ag Expo. This year that will continue. The Canadian-based semen company will have nine cows on display.

Enjoy the food and a tri-tip steak sandwich.

Last year my wife was due to have our second child during World Ag Expo, so I stayed home. I missed enjoying the California sun in February; it’s always a nice break from Idaho’s snowy weather. But I also missed one of those tasty tri-tip sandwiches. I’m a sucker for the food at dairy trade shows. Apple Annie’s in Tulare is also a great place for a pre-show breakfast.

For my 4-year-old daughter, I’ll be looking for uniquely designed stress balls or “squishy toys.” I’ll also be looking to pick up a squishy cow or two for me to add to my own herd. If you’re a dairy producer or a vendor and would like to chat while at the show, call me on my cell at (208) 948-5663.