While there is a lot that can be (and has been) said about a show about manure, to those who have a stake in the business this event is a sure delight. Held on Aug. 22, 2012, the North American Manure Expo was a place where manure haulers, researchers, consultants, engineers, dairy producers and more, could see all things related to manure handling in one location without sifting through livestock or crop exhibits.
More than 60 companies could be found inside a tent in the center of the grounds. The inner perimeter was lined by nearly 30 companies with large equipment displays. Photo continues below photo slideshow.
In addition to seeing some manure handling equipment first hand, attendees could watch the machines at work through demonstrations. The morning began with lagoon agitation demonstrations at the USDA Dairy Forage Research Center.
The afternoon featured demonstrations on solid manure spreaders, liquid manure applicators, dragline application and a manure spill response.
Between the demonstrations there was a two-hour time frame for educational seminars. Topics ranged from nutrient management and application to manure handling and transport. A poster display area was also included to highlight some of the recent research taking place in the industry. PD
Photos by PD Editor Karen Lee.
Karen Lee
Progressive Dairyman magazine