Interest in manure digester systems and bioenergy production is at an all-time high. Also, as greater attention becomes focused on greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production, it’s more important than ever to learn about the latest developments in anaerobic digestion of livestock manures. The AgSTAR Program will hold its sixth national two-day conference at the Boise Centre in Boise, Idaho, on May 11-12, 2011. This conference is recommended for livestock producers and others interested or involved in the design, financing, operation, or regulatory oversight of animal waste management systems, or in the development of alternative sources of energy.

This year's AgSTAR National Conference will highlight the latest projects, technologies and financial incentives for manure digestion, and will include technical presentations, networking opportunities, and exhibits. The conference will also include site tours of two local dairy farm anaerobic digestion systems. Full conference information, including agenda, online registration and tour details, will soon be available at the AgSTAR website. PD


—From University of Florida Dairy Update