Matt Laubach Des Moines, Iowa Dairy Specialist Pioneer Hi-Bred
What education are you bringing with you to this position?I attendedNorth Dakota State Universityfor my bachelor's and master's degrees. My bachelor's degree is in Agricultural Systems Management and my master's degree is in Nutrition Physiology.
What previous positions have you held?
I was employed by NDSU for six years as the farm operations manager. My responsibilities included managing the forage production for the animal and range sciences research farms. In 2007, I moved to Brooking, South Dakota and started a position with South Dakota State University. I was the manager of the dairy research and training facility as well as lecturer for the dairy science department. Some of my responsibilities included: managing the dairy facility, teaching dairy cattle evaluation, coaching the dairy judging team, coaching the dairy challenge team and serving as the dairy club advisor.
What are your new responsibilities?
I will be helping dairy producers and sales reps with our products and services.
What territory will you cover?
My area will be eastern South Dakota, southwest Minnesota and northwest Iowa.
What excites you most about working in your new role?
I look forward to working with a variety of people in the area. I also am very excited to work with corn silage, alfalfa, and inoculants. I have always been very passionate about making high quality forages for dairy cattle.
How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I feel that I will be of most help to the producers by being a source of information. I will be able to answer questions about our products, fermentation of silages, inoculants, and storage issues. I will provide the information required by each producer for his or her operation. There are many things we can do for producers, and I hope to make that available to my area.
Why did you choose this company?
Pioneer is a great company that has been around a long time. They have a strong commitment to their customers that I believe in also. We share many values together. PD