Last week, Google searches, blogs and columns were buzzing about an Indiana dairyman who planned to use a gas mask, a boat and a Swiss Army knife to rid his manure lagoon of giant, 20-foot tall manure bubbles. The manure bubbles were caused by a liner detaching from the lagoon's bottom. The producer, Tony Golstein of Winchester, Indiana, said he couldn't afford to repair the liner properly but thought he could pop the bubbles himself.
Neighbors who had been voicing concerns about the bubbles for years also worried about Golstein's popping plan.
It wasn't long before officials, like Bruce Palin with Indiana's environmental agency, got involved. On Thursday, April 1, officials used a tube and valve device to release the gas from the bubbles.
"The facility is venting. So far, there have been no big booms or explosions," Palin said.
While the day may have ended well for the officials and the neighbors, Golstein's battles are not over. He filed for bankruptcy last month and is one of several CAFOs in the county being sued for harmful odors and aggressive flies.
Read more about the Indiana manure bubbles:
Burst manure bubbles cause big stink, but no explosions
Professionals deflate gas bubbles in Union-Go Dairy's manure lagoon