Ed Salettel Client Services Manager Animart Territory: USA and International


I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a bachelor’s degree in political science and a minor in business law. Once upon a time I wanted to be a lawyer, but I soon learned that my passion was really sales and customer service.


I have extensive experience in managing customer service and sales in industries outside of agriculture. My passion is to build teams that understand the direct correlation between providing outstanding customer service, helping producers succeed, and growing our business. I look forward to continually learning about the dairy industry, and helping an already strong Client Service team become even better at partnering with our producers to find solutions and improve their business.

How will you be of most help to producers in your area of expertise?

We will be of most help by listening to producers’ needs, understanding their stressors and providing solutions to their problems. We will develop partnerships that will increasingly promote a proactive approach on our part and will lead to success for our producers.


What excites you most about working in your new role?

I am most excited by the opportunity to bring my client service experience to a new industry and to help ANIMART reach its goals.

It is clear to me that we strive to be the best, and I know that to be the best we must make sure that we are exceeding our clients’ expectations in everything we do. That is the very same formula that I have implemented successfully in the past, and I know that it will succeed here as well.

What previous positions have you held?

My most recent position was with The Bon-Ton Stores Inc., a department store retailer with $3 billion in annual sales. I served as the corporate customer service manager with responsibilities for developing, implementing and training customer service initiatives for the company. Prior to my work with the Bon-Ton Stores, I have held various customer service and sales management positions over the past 15 years. PD

"I really believe that I have joined a special organization, and I just want to be as involved as possible in everything that we are doing to be the best partner to our clients."