Callie Unruh Regional Representative Holstein Association USA Education I graduated in May 2009 from Kansas State University with a degree in animal science with an emphasis in business. While at Kansas State I took as many dairy courses as possible, as well as participated in Dairy Challenge and dairy judging. It was judging that helped me better evaluate cattle as well as being able to support my opinion. Background/Experience I grew up on my family farm, Prairie-Sun Holsteins, where we milk 45 registered Holsteins. I was actively involved in 4-H as well as the Kansas Junior Holstein Association where I exhibited cattle at local, state and national levels. I learned at a young age the responsibilities of caring for my animals, and as I became older I was able to be more involved with the genetics and breeding of my own cow family. I have a strong passion for the dairy industry, which is why I was determined to be a part of it after graduation. What are your new responsibilities? My responsibilities include helping with registrations, transfers, tags and the software programs Holstein Association provides. I provide a link between the producers and headquarters in Brattleboro, Vermont, by answering any questions that customers or the office might have concerning a particular account. I also have the pleasure of attending Holstein-related events in my territory such as state conventions, meetings and shows. How will you be of most help to producers in your area of expertise? I believe my area of expertise is training producers how to use the EASY ID computer program to register their cattle. Since I have been registering my own cattle with this program I have a good understanding of how it works and how to explain it to others. EASY ID is a great way for producers to get their animals registered at 3 months old or less, which in return saves them money. Most importantly, I will continue to be enthusiastic and look for ways to better improve the dairy industry. What’s your best story from the first day on the job? My first week on the job consisted of riding around with my supervisor and working the Minnesota State Fair. As the new kid on the block, I got the job of being the “noise maker” for the class winners being pictured. I am sure it was fairly entertaining to watch me jumping around and making animal noises. Plus, nothing beats talking with producers and looking at good cattle! PD "The fact that I get to work with registered animals and the people who make these cows their livelihood is a great feeling. I always feel at home no matter what farm I am visiting."
New hires - February: Callie Unruh
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