There were a good variety of answers. Silage bags and silage bunkers received the least votes, 2.8 and 3.7 percent, respectively. Tarped stacks also received poor attention, with only 5.3 percent of the vote. Stockpiling did slightly better with 6 percent of the vote. Plastic wrapped bales received 9.9 percent of the vote. And about 12.7 percent of readers store the majority of their hay in-field (with no plastic wrap).

Most readers opted to use silos or barns or sheds for the majority of their hay storage. A quarter of readers (25 percent) said they store their hay in silos, and the remaining 34.6 percent said they store their hay in the barn or shed.  end mark

How do you store the majority of your hay?

  • Barn or shed: 34.6%

  • Tarped stacks: 5.3%

  • Plastic wrapped bales: 9.9%

  • Silage bags: 2.8%

  • Silage bunkers: 3.7%

  • Silos: 25%

  • Stockpiling: 6%

  • In-field (no wrap): 12.7%