Triticale, a crossbred grain produced from wheat and rye, plays a critical role in solving the need for forage, especially in areas with high cattle populations and limited water.

Northern Seed is a distributor of certified wheat seed and other small grains, as well as a provider of seed conditioning and treatment services to growers. The acquisition of the triticale business complements Northern Seed’s existing portfolio of wheat, barley, grasses and legumes.

This strategic transaction also complements other acquisitions made by Northern Seed that focus on seed distribution and animal nutrition. Through the acquisition, Northern Seed will expand upon Syngenta’s triticale varietal research and development. Dr. David Worrall will lead the strategic triticale research program, complementing Northern Seed’s existing research program in Bozeman, Montana, that focuses on development of grains and forages.

“Given Lariat’s emphasis on investing in specialty agriculture products and services that improve the efficiencies and yields of growers, this opportunity is an ideal fit for us,” says Kevin Mitchell, managing partner for Lariat Partners. “We are excited about the new opportunities created by this add-on acquisition, and we look forward to working closely with the customers and the key stakeholders within the Triticale markets.”  FG


—From Lariat Partners news release