The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation board of directors approved the conversion and extended the policy’s available coverage through the written agreement process.

The forage seed insurance policy was introduced in 2002 as a pilot program by RMA to provide insurance coverage to alfalfa seed farmers who grew seed for forage crops.

Nationally, the pilot program covered 27,700 acres and $27.9 million in liability in 2013. For Idaho, Oregon and Washington, 6,963 total acres were insured with $4.8 million in liability.

The permanent program will be available for the 2015 crop year in Canyon and Owyhee counties, Idaho; in Malheur County, Oregon; and in Grant and Walla Walla counties, Washington.

“Crop insurance is a proven method to provide producers with a production safety net, and we are excited the pilot was successful and the alfalfa seed program was made permanent,” said Dave Paul, director of the RMA Spokane Regional Office.


“One thing we learned during the pilot is the need for insurance for hybrid production. With this program change, coverage will also now be available to those growers contracting for production of hybrid alfalfa seed in the Spokane region.”

Producers are encouraged to visit with their crop insurance agent to learn more about the forage seed insurance policy. If there is no coverage availability in a county, producers may ask a crop insurance agent whether they would be eligible for coverage under a written agreement.

Federal crop insurance program policies are sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance companies and agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers throughout the U.S. or on the RMA websiteFG

From USDA press release