This is the second major USDA package this year in support of small and midsized producers. Of particular note is theGrass Fed Small and Very Small Producer Program. Administered by the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), it is tailored to meet the needs of small-scale livestock producers and the growing grass-fed beef industry.

The program allows small and very small-scale producers to certify that their animals meet the requirements of the grass-fed marketing claim standard, helping them differentiate themselves and communicate value to their customers.

As part of USDA-wide efforts to create more opportunities for small-scale livestock producers, AMS is targeting producers that market 49 cattle or less each year by designing a less costly application process for these producers to use the USDA Certified Grass-Fed claim.

Producers who are certified under the new program will receive certificates that allow them to market cattle to slaughter facilities as USDA certified grass-fed, increasing their market value and creating new economic opportunities throughout the supply chain. 

—From USDA news release