There is no charge to attend the seminars or reception. World Dairy Expo admission is required. Planned seminar topics this year include:
  • What’s new in grass and legume varieties? by Drs. Geoff Brink, Mike Casler, and Heathcliff Riday from the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center.
  • Genetics for the whole cow: breeding for grazing systems moderated by Dr. Les Hansen of the University of Minnesota with representatives from six cattle genetics companies
  • Benefits of grazing replacement heifers by Dr. Dave Combs of the University of Wisconsin — Madison. Combs will summarize recent research on the performance of pasture-raised heifers once they join the confinement herd. 
  • Supplementation for the grazing cow: corn and alternatives by Dr. Kathy Soder of ARS and Dr. Brad Heins the University of Minnesota. The seminar will discuss the economics, herd health and milk production response of corn and alternatives such as flaxseed and molasses.

The grazing events at World Dairy Expo are a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), University of Wisconsin-Extension, University of Minnesota-Extension, and private farmers and businesses.

For more information on being a sponsor or attending the events, contact DATCP’s Laura Paine at (608) 224-5120.  FG


—From DATCP news release