The association urges buyers and sellers to take steps to ensure that the buying and selling of their quality forage products is done in a fair and equitable manner benefiting both parties.

When considering purchasing or selling hay, there are a number of factors to be taken into consideration:

  • Have you purchased from or sold hay to this person before? If not, are you able to obtain at least two independent references for the company/individual to ensure that you are dealing with someone who is reputable? Remember the old adage, “If it appears too good to be true – it probably is!”
  • Has the hay been analyzed and is the analysis information available? Is the hay free of mold and do you know the moisture content? Do you have some way to visually inspect the hay?
  • Are you purchasing from a member of the CFGA who has agreed to the Code of Ethics of the CFGA? Click here for a list of our members.  FG

—From Canadian Forage and Grassland Association news release