Dairy Management Inc. CEO Tom Gallagher joins Editor Walt Cooley for a discussion about how the dairy checkoff has navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. Gallagher talks about where dairy promotion may go in the future, as well as the changing landscape for fluid milk processing and promotion. 



Here is a breakdown of the episode:

  • [~1:30] What's the one number that stands out the most to you that explains the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dairy farmers? [~1:30]
  • [~3:10] Why did people buy what they bought during the pandemic? 
  • [~5:30] What is the behavior of the consumer going to look like after this? 
  • [~6:30] Tell me your favorite experience during COVID-19 about how DMI went to work for dairy farmers.
  • [~8:40] One of DMI’s long-term strategies has been developing partnerships, primarily in the foodservice channels. Has the COVID-19 experience created any new relationships that might endure?
  • [~11:10] How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected any long-term DMI strategies? 
  • [~14:20] When financial pressures are high the farm, what do you tell dairy producers about why the dairy checkoff is important?
  • [~16:30] Fluid milk has been a challenging segment of the dairy industry for a long time, and we’re facing a dramatic upheaval with the sale of Dean Foods and the ongoing bankruptcy of Borden Dairy. What’s your vision of the future for fluid milk?
  • [~18:50] What's something DMI has accomplished on behalf of dairy farmers that you don't think it gets enough credit for? 
  • [~22:30] What's the question you get from dairy farmers that most gets under your skin? Why is that? 
  • [~24:40] What advice would you give to yourself 10, or even 20, years ago if you could go back and influence your DMI career a second time?


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